
The Teaching of Archery

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The Teaching of Archery

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Product Information

Originally published in the 1930s, this book attempts to give a method that best gets the beginner started playing archery with comfort and pleasure. The material in the book is based on the authors' twelve years' enjoyment of archery as a sport and their eight years' experience in teaching both group and individual archery to juniors and adults on private, commercial, camp, and school ranges.

Contents Covered:

  • Preface
  • Getting School or Camp Tackle in Order
    • Bows
      • Bracing a bow
      • Adjusting a bow string
      • Serving a bow string
      • Making the arrow knot
      • Weighing bows
      • Making a "tiller"
      • Providing storage facilities for the bows
      • Making a portable bow rack
    • Arrows
      • Making minor arrow repairs
      • Repair kit
      • Regrouping arrows into complete sets
      • Storing arrows
    • Shooting Accessories
      • Gloves
      • Arm guards
    • Range Equipment
      • Outdoor targets
      • Target tripods
      • Extra target faces
      • Range quivers
      • Points of aim
  • Selecting Tackle for Use on Outdoor Ranges
    • Tackle for Camp Use
      • Bows
        • Description
        • Lengths
        • Weights
      • Arrows
        • Description
        • Matching
        • Crests
        • Lengths
    • Selecting School or College Tackle for Outdoor Range Use
      • General suggestions
      • Suggested budgets
  • Laying Off Camp or School Ranges
    • Outdoor Range
    • Clout Range
  • Indoor Ranges
    • Range Set-up
      • Permanent backstops
      • Movable backstops
    • Indoor Range Rounds
    • Indoor Range Equipment
  • Teaching Archery
    • Arousing Initial Interest
    • Teaching Beginners
      • Clout introduction on the outdoor range
      • First target lesson (indoor or outdoor range)
      • Second target lesson (indoor or outdoor range)
      • Third target lesson
    • Teaching Advanced Archery
  • Competitive Rounds and Procedure
    • Camp and School Rounds
    • Junior Archery Rounds
    • General Tournament Procedure
    • Scoring Regulations
  • Stimulating Interest in Practice and Advancement
    • Awarding Ranks and Medals
    • Divisions of the Group for Competitive Purposes
    • The Chart Device
    • Ladder Tournaments
    • Posting Weekly Scores
    • Outside Competition
    • Issuing Arrows for Individual Use as a Reward
    • Establishing an Archery Library
Format:PDF Digital Reprint, e-Facsimile
No. of Pages:91
Page Size:A4 (210mm × 297mm)
Download Size:37.9 MB
Product CodeTHEDBMGZ38

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