God-Man: The Word Made Flesh deals wholly with the physiology of the Scriptures, showing that the 66 books of the Holy Bible were 66 statements by 66 different writers about the same identical subject -- the human body, its chemical operation and the planetary positions, impinging to create and bring into physical manifestation the visible universe. These wonderful statements are fables, parables, allegories, dealing with the chemical, physiological, anatomical and astrological operations of the human body, "Fearfully and wonderfully made."
In this work the author reveals a connection between perfect health and the biochemical tissue salts (or cell salts). Read the book while keeping in mind Luke 8:11 - "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God."
Contents Covered:
- Redemption the Ultimate Goal of Humanity
- The Kingdom at Hand
- Books Rejected by the Council of Nicea
- Names
- The Marvelous Story of Joseph and Mary
- Man was Made Upright
- It: The Eternity of Perfection
- Sarah and Abraham
- The Word of God Revealed
- The Explanation of "Turning Water into Wine"
- John the Baptist -- Physiologically Explained
- The Pleagues of Egypt in the Human Body
- What Was the Word of God that Came to the Prophets?
- The Great Pyramid
- Isaiah
- The Optic Thalamus
- The Central or Single Eye
- Statement by a Greek Professor
- The Wives and Children of Jacob
- The Solar Plexus
- Prophecies Fulfilled
- Killing the Fatted Calf or Kaph
- The Anti-Christ
- The Rib-lah that Made the Womb in Man(kind)
- The Bridge of Life
- Sacred Books of the East
- The Mystery of Santa Claus Revealed
- The Science of Leap Year
- The Revelation of Hermes
- The Secret Doctrine
- Why Re-incarnate?
- The Lake of Fire and Brimstone
- Physical Regeneration
- Thirteen, the United States Seal and Woodrow Wilson
- Daniel in the Lion's Den
- Noah, the Ark and the Animals
- Mistranslation of Scripture
- Joshua Commanding the Sun and Moon to Stand Still
- Glossary
- "As a Man Thinketh in His Heart so is He."
- The Meaning of Glory.
- The Tree of Life.
- The Only Cause of Old Age.
- Samson.
- Twenty-second Chapter of Revelation, 1st and 2nd Verses.
- Crucified Between Two Thieves.
- "My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light."
- Dormant Brain Cells.
- Children.
- Psalms of David.
- He that Ruleth His Own House.
- "And Enoch Walked With God and Was Not."
- The Jewel in the Lotus.
- The Kundalina Fire.
- The Human Automobile.
- The Pneumogastric Nerve (Tree) and the Holy Ghost.
- The Son of Man.
- "Ye Who Have Followed Me in the Regeneration."
- "To Him that Overcometh."
- Consummation
Format: | PDF Digital Reprint, e-Facsimile |
No. of Pages: | 174 |
Page Size: | A4 (210mm × 297mm) |
Download Size: | 10.4 MB |